Thursday 26 July 2012

Grandparents' Day

The invitation came from two of our grandchildren to attend their school to celebrate Grandparents' Day.  So there we were this morning in the parish church which was packed to the rafters with that wonderful mix of old and young.

After Mass we grey brigade had time for a quick cuddle of our grandchildren before the smell of fresh coffee lured us to the assembly hall for morning tea. Ah ... real coffee and home-made cakes and pastries.

The school string orchestra entertained us with the Three Minute Waltz which, while it was probably more the Five and a Half Minute Waltz, was warmly appreciated by the audience.

The assembly was then delighted to be entertained by the Kindergarten and Grade 2 classes.  We Fudges were extra chuffed, having a grandchild in each of those classes.  I won't embarrass them by pointing them out, but they are the cute ones.

I had to sneak out early as I had an appointment I couldn't break and was brought up with a jolt when I saw this blossoming tree. Could it be signs of an early Spring?  Probably not, but it was the perfect ending to a delightful morning.  You wouldn't miss out on being a grandparent for quids.

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