Weddings are such joyous occasions - that goes without saying. But when it's your first born who is the bride, well, that's indeed something very special. Sydney had put on some appalling weather leading up to last Thursday, but as if by magic a little window of glorious, sparkling weather arrived and lasted the whole day. By Friday we were back into the clouds and rain, but by then we had the weather we prayed for and day was as it should have been, full of joy, laughter and the odd tear, surrounded by close friends and family.

Mind you, the marriage celebrant at the Registry Office didn't add to the festivities. And no, my daughter and her new husband aren't vertically challenged - the celebrant is freakishly tall and gaunt, with a funereal personality to match ...

... as you can see by his tie choice.

Yes, skull and crossbones. Maybe he was filling in from the Death Certificates Department.
The only sad note was that our Brisbane son, daughter-in-law and children could not make it down to Sydney, as our son had teaching commitments and travelling with four children would have proved too difficult.

The reception was held at the Bondi Icebergs Club and on a day such as this, I doubt there would be a better place in the world to hold a wedding reception.

The food on the buffet table kept coming, much to the delight of the children.

It could even be used as an obstacle course for the rally driver. While the adults mingled ...

... the children were in for a big surprise. The groom's sister had brought along a bag of goodies for each of them. She had gone to incredible lengths to fill the bags with goodies appropriate to each child. For instance, our granddaughter Emily found among her lot a paper doll cut-out book titled
Emily and Sophie. She was gobsmacked.

Time for quiet talks ...

... the fathers-in-law ...

... and the groom and his Best Man.
I loved the bar tiles!
Meanwhile, the Dancing Queen showed off her latest Hot Fudge creation, demonstrating its twirling and dancing wearability.

She works cheap, which is an added bonus.

It was time for the speeches ...

The writer,
The retired school principal,

And the retired banker. What a trio - never stuck for words, of course.
And then we had to get the little folk home, as the sugar rush had taken its toll.
So now all three of our children are married and Tony and I are blessed to have two truly wonderful sons-in-law, as well as a beautiful daughter-in-law. And with grandchild number seven due in July (no, not the bride!), what more could we ask for?