We headed for the city in the afternoon to take in the Ron Mueck Exhibition at the Gallery of Modern Art (GoMA), as it finishes on Sunday. This London based Australian sculptor produces the most extraordinary work, and none if it life sized - it's either much larger than life or in miniature, as is the case with the gossiping women seen below.

The queues waiting to see the exhibition have been so long that they have meandered out of the Gallery and down towards the river. Being clever folk (well, old age has to have some benefits) we left it until nearly four in the afternoon to make our presence felt - at the wrong gallery, the Queensland Art Gallery. With fear in our eyes and with encouraging shouts behind us, we fled through the Art Gallery, across the concourse and into GoMA, just before the ticket booth closed. How clever was that? Visiting the exhibition with a small crowd AND heart-pumping exercise at the same time.
This new-born baby girl was huge, and the details were breath-taking.
On the other hand, the man in the boat was a small sculpture.
The Wild Man sat on a pedestal, towering over the viewers below.
Mask II had everyone intrigued ...
The detail was staggering ...
... and he was a bit of an air-head!
Coffee was calling, so we strolled across the new foot bridge to the city,
taking in the glorious warm late afternoon sun.
The coffee was good, as was the lemon tea cake. Couldn't work out if the text in chocolate sauce was for my benefit or the waitress. Either way, at least there was no mistaking what I had ordered.
As the sun set, it was time to head for the BrisStyle Indie Twilight Markets.
People were leaving their offices, school students and families were there as well and before long it seemed that the whole of Brisbane was mingling, taking in the markets.
Note the classy sales assistant to the left at the Hungry Designs stall, decked out in her 'Forties gear!
Samantha of Jetta's Nest was kept busy all evening.
Melanie's Kimono Reincarnate was another very popular haunt.
These adorable elephants at Nan's Garden sold like hot cakes.
As darkness set in the band arrived to add to the atmosphere and it was time for us Fudges to head home.
Why can't every day be a Friday?