Miss E has been promised a dog when she turns 12, her parents figuring that she would have probably forgotten all about it by the time she reaches that age. So in the meantime I snaffled Mad Dog for her from the sales table while we were setting up the quilt show last Friday. It was love at first sight.

This delightful car made by Rebecca of Edward and Lilly was bought for baby Daniel, but big brother Chris decided to keep an eye on it in case someone tried to take it. What a boy.
Daniel didn't seem to mind.
Meanwhile The Artist daughter appeared to be in a reflective mood, alternating between sunglasses and wine glasses ...
Mr Fudge preferred the wine glasses.
My brother had bought tickets for the three of us to see Harry Potter on Saturday night at the iMax Theatre at Darling Harbour. By the time we joined the long queue and shuffled in, we had to sit about 8 rows from the front - just us, a lot of PotterHeads and some lost Asian tourists. I don't know if you have lived the iMax experience, but my eyes were bouncing around like ping pong balls during a table tennis match. Great fun.The next evening we terrible three hit the Opera House to see the Michael Nyman concert, again sitting about 8 rows from the front, but this time we had Bryan Brown and Rachel Ward sitting right in front of us. Where else but Sydney?
My brother took us to dinner at the Shangri-La Hotel prior to the concert. This was an early bon voyage celebration in anticipation of our overseas trip in less than three weeks. Eek!
Yes, I do realise how lucky I am to have such a brother. Our nephew is the Room Service Manager at the hotel and he arranged a corner table for us on the 36th floor for pre-dinner drinks. It has to be among the best views in the world - simply stunning.

Meanwhile back in Brisbane, the Jems Quilt Sitters' exhibition was a roaring success from all accounts. The jazz band on Sunday was a big drawcard and added immensely to the atmosphere. I sold a quilt and a large proportion of my children's clothing, which is wonderful, but now I will be working flat out to re-build my stock, as we will be away for six weeks and the BrisStyle December market will be on us like a flash.
And in case I needed inspiration, these gorgeous Kaffe Fassett fabrics arrived by mail this morning.