Wednesday, 29 April 2009
It's Show Time
Monday, 27 April 2009
Stitches & Craft Week

Saturday, 25 April 2009
Shadow Shot Sunday # 49
Mind you, ever since the snake incident, my view of suburbia has taken on a new dimension and I am ever vigilant in case a tiger has escaped from the zoo - I know it would find me. It makes you look at the back yard with new eyes. Take this week for instance. There staring in through the kitchen window was this large brown grasshopper.

He appeared very keen to come in for a visit, but I gently persuaded him that outdoors was much healthier for him. He seemed happy enough with the verdict and even cast a nice shadow for me.

Oh dear, I hope he wasn't trying to escape from a bird and I sent him to his peril... Nah.
And now it's time to go to Hey Harriet's blog for some really great shadow shots.
Thursday, 23 April 2009
The Postman Always Knocks Thrice

The next parcel was from China - my eagerly awaited woven garment labels from a new supplier, and they were exactly what I wanted. And tucked away with the order was this little gift.

We had been given an apron with this design by our daughter some time last year, and now I think I will turn this into my name tag. It has become my catch phrase.
And so finally I opened the last little parcel. I already knew what was inside - an adorable pair of hair clips - pink, of course, as I had won a giveaway on the blog of fellow BrisStyler, the lovely Katie of Kitty Boo Boo.

But what I didn't expect were two of the prettiest headbands and another pair of hair clips, all in co-ordinating colours.

There was a message from Katie, saying that she couldn't leave the others out. What she was referring to were our four little granddaughters. I was speechless (and Mr Fudge will tell you that that doesn't happen very often in my waking hours). If you take a look at her shop you will see what a versatile artisan she is. Thank you so much for your incredible generosity, Katie. Our little darlings will look adorable wearing their new hair clips and head bands. I only hope they don't fight over them!
Speaking of hair clips, during our BrisStyle first anniversary lunch I bought some hair clips from the talented duo Em and Bel (both very pregnant) of EmbelIsh. These clips became part of the bling hidden in the drawers of the musical jewellery boxes we gave the two four-year-old cousins on their joint birthdays. They fell in love with them and the next day when we met up with the Sydney branch of the family for lunch, there was Emily proudly wearing hers - and very cute she looked too.
Well, I've had my fill of surprises - all of which were well worth the wait. I wonder what the postman has in store for me next week?
Sunday, 19 April 2009
Shadow Shot Sunday # 48

Wednesday, 15 April 2009
The Easter Bunny Cometh

Back to the child sized equipment. That's better.

The next morning it was back to the airport to greet the newlyweds who flew in from Sydney, and for the first time our entire family was assembled in the one city. We were merciful and let them sleep in on Saturday morning until 6.00am. It was time to hit the farmers' markets.

He's man enough to wear his sister's.

... and the healthy option taken.

There was great excitement as the Sydney cousins met their new little Brisbane cousin and re-acquainted themselves with the older children.

... and who could blame her?

When the bunny said to the 100 or so children, "One, two, three - go!" it was all to much for our intrepid hunters, so the assembled crowd was witness to a grandmother elbowing six year-olds out of the way to grab the last couple of eggs left after the ten seconds mad dash. Not a pretty sight I grant you, but what else could be done?