Everybody loves Christmas and everybody loves weddings, so when the two are combined, it's bound to be a joyous occasion, particularly with the added attraction of a rural setting.

The bride has been a friend of our daughter since they were in their late teens. They were part of a core "gang" which swelled in numbers with the addition of boyfriends and girlfriends, and this eventually led to weddings and children over the ensuing years.
This wedding was organised with the precision of a military manoeuvre. You see, the bride is stationed in Cyprus, the groom is a journalist in Adelaide, the bride's parents live in Sydney, the grooms's in rural Victoria, so naturally the wedding took place in the vineyards of the Hunter Valley, a two hour drive from Sydney. Most of the wedding guests arrived the day before the wedding. It was the middle of a heatwave and they wasted no time cooling off in the resort pool.
For something a little different, the bride's niece and nephews swapped roles - the ring bearer was an adorable little girl,
... and there were flowerboys.
They were followed by the beautiful bride.
Some traditions still hold though. The musicians in the gang have sung at each of their weddings over the years and our daughter was was devastated when after hours of practice a throat virus reduced her soprano voice to a squeak and she had to pull out.
A hot afternoon called for cool drinks.
And time to catch up with old friends.
What a delightful occasion it was. If you get the chance to attend a country wedding, don't miss it.
Wishing you all a very happy and safe Christmas.