The one good thing (possibly the only good thing) about achieving a Significant Birthday is that the celebrations go on for at least a week, or they do within our circle.
After milking the event for all it was worth here in Brisbane, we flew south last Friday to continue the celebrations with the Sydney branch of the Fudge clan. My brother had organised our return flights, plus a special treat a few nights later.
Our first stop on our arrival was casual lunch at the
Boatshed Cafe at La Perouse. We sat at our table overlooking Frenchmans Bay, a family-friendly beach with no scary waves to scare the children away. What a perfect way to start Birthday Part II.
A professional photographer and his lovely assistant taking pictures of the wall.
I guess he had already seen the sea view. |
Back at my brother's unit we noticed a new piece of electronic equipment - a projector. I had not seen a home projector since the Seventies and naively thought we were in for a night of travel slides.
Wrong. Live Rugby. All over the wall. That's a grandfather clock to the left. My. It was big. Later on we watched
North by Northwest and I had a bout of vertigo during the Mount Rushmore scenes. I was like Mr Toad when he saw his first automobile. I think I want a projector, if only we had a huge blank wall, which we don't.
The next day was hot, humid and steamy, so it was a blessing that we once again had lunch by the water, this time with our oldest and dearest friends.
We sat on the cool veranda overlooking the Hawkesbury River and again seafood was on the menu.
The local bowlers don't stand on ceremony -
very sensibly dressed for the weather. |
Then it was back to our lovely friends' home for coffee and cake.
Sunday arrived and it was time for yet another lunch (told you the birthday was being milked for all it was worth), this time with our two daughters, spouses and grandchildren. The venue was the
Botanic Gardens Restaurant in a stunning garden setting a short walk from the Art Gallery.
My house model wore a Hot Fudge creation, of course |
The company and the food were all delightful, and I probably took a couple of years off my life with the chocolate tart, but it was worth it.
And now for the Monday night treat my brother had organised a few weeks back - tickets to the Opera House to see Billy Connolly, who has a sell-out season in Sydney.
Where else would you want to have a pre-show drink? Of course, daylight savings makes such a difference. If the devil himself would run on a daylight savings ticket in Queensland, he'd have my vote in an instant.
Berthed at the overseas terminal was the latest word in designer cruise ships, the
Crystal Serenity. Now what sort of a name is that for a ship? Maybe they called in Paris Hilton as a consultant. Can you imagine it on the Bay of Biscay? Lots of crystal but not much serenity.
Billy Connolly was in excellent form, even if he worked the third and sixth letters of the alphabet to death.
I don't believe I'm saying this, but I'm actually looking forward to the next Big Birthday.