It may not look much, but this little collection reduced me to tears a couple of days ago.
As the world knows, our State of Queensland is emerging from the most devastating floods. We were among the fortunate ones, our house here in Brisbane was saved - but we were left without power for several days and were cut off from the rest of the city by flooded roads and a river ferry which broke its cable spectacularly. Our landline telephone didn't work - needed electricity of course. Our two mobile phones were our only means of communication with the outside world. We had calls and text messages from all over the country from concerned relatives and friends. They obviously knew a lot more than we did, sitting here without any television coverage.
However, we are blessed with wonderful young neighbours who made it their mission in life to see that we were OK (don't tell me we've reached that stage of our lives already!). On our second day without power, one next door neighbour who with her husband and three young children was staying with relatives up the road (they still had power) dropped by and lent us their primus stove and came back later with her father-in-law with a dozen eggs, some cheese, a large packet of cashews and some cucumbers. A little later two young mothers on the other side of us knocked on the door, one with freshly baked banana bread cooked on their barbecue (I am in awe), while the other neighbour gave us some long-life milk. After they left I had a little cry - these are young families with children and babies to care for and they took the time to check up on a couple of old fogies.
But we were fine, thanks to those battery operated lights bought for the
BrisStyle Twilight Market in December. Wine looks so beautiful under twinkling lights and we tried it ignore the fact that it was warm. Pity the same couldn't be said for the main course of peanut and sultana sandwiches. However, the dessert of mini meringues which the grandchildren didn't eat at our Christmas lunch went down a treat.
A Little Night Reading - I can see the musical now. |
The power has been restored, the roads are open and this morning we drove miles to find fuel for the almost-empty car and food to re-stock what had to be thrown out of our fridge and freezer. It was the first time we had an opportunity to see first-hand some of the devastation left by the flood. We have so much to be thankful for - our family and friends are all safe.
The BrisStyle committee has quickly swung into action with an appeal linked to the
Premier's Flood Relief Appeal. If you would like to contribute, please click on the handmade ark appeal button above, where you will find all the necessary details. Please spread the word among your friends, as every little helps. I have some items in my Etsy shop, with all proceeds going to the appeal.